Trying to start rolling the dice…

Blogging is much like a metallic engine, where when it’s not properly maintained and sustained it starts eroding and it’s same in the case of blogging. When you don’t blog for a long time your writing become eroded and hand becomes heavier and heavier to start writing something. So I finally felt like start rolling the dice and hope it goes in a slope.

Writing is like a metalic engine

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2 thoughts on “Trying to start rolling the dice…

  1. […] was taken from Laknath’s blog. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Ujian Akhir Semester Pertama (1)Kumpul Untuk […]

  2. desrinda says:

    Dear Laknath,

    I found that your illustration in this entry suits to mine at

    I’ve copied it, can I get your permission? Thanks in advance.

    :: Desi ::

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