Google Summer of Code is On!!!

GSoC is back for year 2007.

If you don’t know about GSoC here what Google says.

“Google Summer of CodeTM is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Google will be working with a several open source, free software and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three month period. Historically, the program has brought together over 1,000 students with over 100 open source projects, to create hundreds of thousands of lines of code. The program, which kicked off in 2005, is now in its third year, following on from a very successful 2006.”

So if you are entusiastic about some open source projects such as various CMS projects or language such as PHP, Python, Ruby.etc or even sometimes languages such as Java, C# there are projects which you can help with and get exposured to the world.

Go to GSoC home page and have a look at this year accepted projects.

Google Summer of Code

It started on 15th March and student aplication deadline is on 24th March. This is a chance you shouldn’t miss.

2 thoughts on “Google Summer of Code is On!!!

  1. From the perspective of an organisation involved with Google Summer of Code, I have to say its also fantastic; we could never ask for a better selection of people working on our SilverStripe open source project! By the way, I have also been impressed with the calibre of applications from Sri Lanka!

  2. luckycala says:

    Thanks for the comment. It’s great to hear that organizations are also getting a lot out of this as well as students.

    And it’s also great to hear that Sri Lanka is giving a good support to the improvement of FOSS comunity. Hope SilverStripe will do great with GSoC.

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